Essential AR-15 Upgrades for Suppressor Use: Maximize Performance and Reduce Noise

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9 minute read

Introducing a suppressor into your AR-15 setup can significantly enhance your shooting experience. However, to fully reap the benefits of reduced noise, recoil, and gas blowback, it’s suggested to optimize your rifle with specific upgrades. This guide will walk you through the essential modifications that can transform your AR-15 into a suppressor-ready platform, ensuring the perfect loadout and performance.

Muzzle Devices for Suppressed AR-15s

Besides a literal suppressor, there are muzzle devices out there that complement a suppressor in one way or another. The most common advantage they carry is the obvious one; a suppressor can attach to the muzzle device. The actual attachment portion varies from manufacturer to manufacturer, can to can, and device to device. The bottom line is that just because you own a suppressor does not mean you miss out on muzzle brakes and flash hiders.

AR-15 Suppressed

Common “QD” Muzzle Device Systems

These systems provide a secure lock-up between the suppressor and muzzle device, ensuring consistent performance and alignment shot after shot. These are not an exhaustive list of all mount types, and although one may not be interchangeable with another, they often use similar systems. Systems such as ratcheting, lug locking, taper locking, threading, etc.

  • Dead Air KeyMo system
  • Dead Air KeyMicro
  • Dead Air Xeno
  • Breek Arms Breek-LOK
  • SilencerCo ASR
  • Griffin Plan A
  • Q Plan B
  • HK style 3 Lug systems
Key-Mo Explanation

Suppressor-Compatible Flash Hiders

Suppressor-compatible flash hiders offer a balance between flash suppression and suppressor mounting. They’re designed to work seamlessly with various suppressor attachment systems while still providing some degree of flash reduction when the suppressor is not attached.

Muzzle Brakes Designed for Suppressor Use

Muzzle brakes for suppressor use offer the dual benefit of recoil reduction and suppressor mounting. These brakes are designed to redirect gas flow effectively, reducing felt recoil and muzzle rise. When a suppressor is attached, they serve as a robust mounting point, ensuring a secure and aligned connection. The Dead Air brake ranked very high in our hands on test!

Optimizing Gas Flow: Adjustable Gas Blocks

An adjustable gas block is perhaps one of the most crucial upgrades for a suppressed AR-15, allowing you to fine-tune the gas system for optimal performance.

AR-15 Suppressed

Benefits of Adjustable Gas Blocks

  • Reduced gas blowback
  • Lower cyclic rate for improved reliability
  • Decreased wear on internal components
  • Ability to tune for different ammunition types and suppressor configurations
  • Proper ejection pattern for consistent and reliable function

Top Adjustable Gas Block Options

  • Wojtek Weaponry Adjustable Gas Block: Offers both set screw and click-adjustable (Arkto) versions
  • Superlative Arms: Features a unique bleed-off system for excess gas
  • Strike Industries Collar Adjustable: Easy to adjust but encourages having a QD handguard
  • Odin Works: Known for its durability and ease of adjustment

Enhancing Cycling: Buffer System Upgrades

Upgrading your buffer system can significantly improve the cycling of your suppressed AR-15, reducing felt recoil and action noise.

Heavy Buffers

Heavier buffers slow down the bolt carrier group, reducing the cyclic rate and felt recoil. This can be particularly beneficial in suppressed setups where increased back pressure can lead to over-gassing.

AR-15 Suppressed
AR-15 Suppressed
AR-15 Suppressed

Above we have an H1, H2, and H3 buffer. Each have different weights and each weight can help tune your system. Skipping ahead a bit H2 buffers are commonly found in suppressor builds since they are a happy medium. H1 buffers are good for mild overgassing and H3 buffers are preferred for severely overgassed systems commonly found in suppressed full auto configurations.

Adjustable Buffer Systems

  • Armaspec Stealth Recoil Spring and Sound Mitigation Buffer: Reduces noise and felt recoil
  • Odin Works Adjustable Buffer: Allows for fine-tuning of buffer weight
  • Strike Industries Optimus: Modular system for customized weight and spring rate
  • JP Enterprises Silent Captured Spring: Eliminates spring noise and allows for easy adjustment

Silent Captured Spring Systems

These systems replace the traditional buffer and spring with a self-contained unit, reducing noise and providing smoother cycling. They’re particularly beneficial in suppressed setups where consistent, quiet operation is desired.

AR-15 Suppressed

Reliable Function: Bolt Carrier Group (BCG) Changeovers

Changing your BCG can enhance reliability and reduce gas blowback in suppressed setups.

Low-Mass BCGs

Low-mass BCGs can help reduce felt recoil and increase the cyclic rate, which can be beneficial in some suppressed setups. However, they likely require careful tuning of the gas system to ensure reliable function.

Coatings for Improved Reliability

Specialized coatings like nickel boron or diamond-like carbon (DLC) can improve lubricity and heat dissipation, enhancing reliability in the high-heat, high-carbon environment of a suppressed AR-15. Additionally, chrome BCGs are known to be some of the best overall when it comes to coating/composition performance however they usually land on the expensive side.

AR-15 Suppressed

Specialized BCGs for Suppressed Use

When running a suppressed AR-15, specialized bolt carrier groups can offer significant advantages in gas management and overall performance. These specialized BCGs offer innovative solutions to common issues faced when shooting suppressed, such as excessive gas blowback and the need for easy adjustability to accommodate different suppressors or ammunition types.

  • Available in two versions:
    • Downward venting
    • Side venting
  • Key feature: Designed to redirect excess gas away from the shooter’s face
  • Benefit: Reduces gas blowback, improving shooter comfort

2. Bootleg Inc Four Position Adjustable BCG

  • Key feature: Allows for on-the-fly gas adjustment
  • Benefit: Eliminates the need for an adjustable gas block
  • Functionality:
  • Four distinct settings for different suppressor configurations
  • Can be adjusted quickly without disassembling the rifle

Comfortable Shooting: Enhanced Charging Handles

Gas-busting charging handles are designed to redirect gas away from the shooter’s face, significantly improving comfort during suppressed shooting.

Top options include:

  • Radian SD: Features a specialized gas-defeating shelf and built in vents
  • SilencerCo GDCH (Gas Defeating Charging Handle): Designed to redirect gas down and away from the shooter
  • Strike Industries T-Bone: Unique design that effectively blocks gas from escaping through ports in the charging handle
  • Breek Arms Sledgehammer: Offers both gas mitigation and an extended latch for easier manipulation
  • Aero Precision BREACH: Features gas-redirecting geometry and is available in both large and small latch versions
AR-15 Suppressed

Heat Management: Suppressor-Friendly Handguards

While not directly impacting suppressor performance, choosing the right handguard can enhance your overall suppressed shooting experience. When selecting a handguard, consider the diameter of your suppressor and its mounting system to ensure proper clearance, heat management, and look. Cause in reality this one really leans into that cool look.

  • UTG PRO Suppressor Ready SD Free-Float: Features a larger inner diameter to accommodate direct-thread suppressors
  • Midwest Industries SP Suppressor Compatible AR-15 Free Float: Designed with extra clearance for various suppressor mounting systems
  • Aero Precision Gen 2 Enhanced M-LOK AR-15 Handguard: Offers a wide inner diameter and compatibility with many suppressor setups

Quiet Down That’s a Wrap!

Optimizing your AR-15 for suppressor use involves a holistic approach, addressing various components of the rifle system. From muzzle devices to gas blocks, buffer systems to charging handles, each upgrade plays a crucial role in enhancing performance, reliability, and shooter comfort. Take the time to properly tune your system, test thoroughly, and make adjustments as needed.

AR-15 Suppressed


What is the most important upgrade for a suppressed AR-15?

While all upgrades contribute to overall performance, an adjustable gas block is often considered the most crucial. It allows you to fine-tune the gas system, which is essential for managing the increased back pressure created by a suppressor.

How does an adjustable gas block improve suppressor performance?

An adjustable gas block allows you to reduce the amount of gas entering the system, mitigating over-gassing issues common with suppressed rifles. This results in reduced gas blowback, lower recoil, and decreased wear on internal components.

Can I use a standard buffer system with a suppressor?

While you can use a standard buffer system, upgrading to a heavier buffer or an adjustable system can significantly improve performance. These upgrades help manage the increased bolt velocity and gas pressure associated with suppressed shooting.

What AR-15 gas system is best for suppressors?

Generally, longer gas systems (mid-length or rifle-length) work better with suppressors as they allow more gas to dissipate before entering the receiver. However, with proper tuning, any gas system length can be optimized for suppressed use.

How much noise reduction can I expect from a properly upgraded suppressed AR-15?

Noise reduction can vary depending on factors such as suppressor design, ammunition, and environmental conditions. However, a properly upgraded and tuned suppressed AR-15 can typically achieve noise reduction in the range of 30-35 decibels. Keep in mind that while this is a significant reduction, the rifle will not be “Hollywood quiet” and hearing protection is still recommended.

One Last Tip

If there’s anyone that knows the AR-15 platform, it’s the US military. As a special offer for our readers, you can get the Official US Army Manual for AR-15/M4/M16 right now – for free. Click here to snag a copy.

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