AR-15 Hogue Free Float Handguards

Hogue AR-15 Free Float Handguards

These AR-15 handguards provide a simple, lightweight handguard without a bunch of extra stuff to get in the way.

There are 2 main designs:

Overmolded – the tube has a rubber grip area that is “overmolded” onto the aluminum tube. Provides a heat-resistant grip surface that’s available in READ MORE


Hogue AR-15 Free Float Handguards

These AR-15 handguards provide a simple, lightweight handguard without a bunch of extra stuff to get in the way.

There are 2 main designs:

Overmolded – the tube has a rubber grip area that is “overmolded” onto the aluminum tube. Provides a heat-resistant grip surface that’s available in several colors.
Knurled – the grip area is a knurled surface, with no rubber. Available in black only.

In addition, we stock a variety of kits that include both the free floating forend and a matching grip.

Other Accessories Available:

AR-10 coupler that allows use of the hanguards on an AR10/.308

Extension tubes, which make your handguard longer

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