AR-15 Buffer Weights & Why They Matter (2025 Update)

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What the heck is that thing?! It’s a buffer and you know what? Picking the right one is integral to the function of your AR-15 rifle or pistol. The buffer is a chunk of mass that is used to both slow the recoil of the bolt moving rearward and also to assist the bolt in finding its way back home. Allow us to assist you in picking the right buffer for you!

Understanding AR-15 Buffer Weights

A wide variety of AR-15 buffer weights and springs are available —  from the cheap, mil-spec set that likely came with your rifle, to the high-end models that demand over $100.

If you start to research the topic, and it’s easy to get lost in the potential benefits, drawbacks and recommendations.

But the best place to start is always a basic understanding of why they matter. Then we’ll take a look at the main types of buffer weights, what they’re used for, and how to use them to optimize your rifle’s gas system.

Is the Buffer Really Important?

The buffer may look like a paperweight, but without one your rifle is effectively an awkward, single-shot rifle.

Most semi-automatic firearms require the use of recoil springs and buffer weights, which return the bolt carrier group (BCG) back into battery. As a happy side effect, the movement of the weight helps absorb the already-minor recoil of the AR rifle.

If you are more of a visual learner we covered some of this subject material over at our YoutTube Channel!

Ep-9: Choosing the Right AR-15 Buffer Weights, Springs & Buffer Tubes... Starts Here!

heavier H2 buffer takes longer to move, slows down more quickly, and minimizes the ‘punch’ of the recoil while still maintaining the function of the rifle.

Having too much weight in the buffer can cause the rifle to short stroke, as the rifle’s gas system may not have the necessary power to cycle the heavier buffer (causing inconsistent extraction and ejection)

Geissele Super 42 Braided Wire Buffer & Spring Combo

Having as much weight as possible increases the “dwell time” spent by the spent ammo in the upper receiver, allowing more of the excess gas and carbon to push out (cleaner operation). More heat dissipates and there is more consistent extraction and ejection of the spent cartridge.

Getting the balance right can be affected by a fair amount of factors, including ammo types and calibers, proper installation of the gas block and tube, or the size of the gas port drilled into your barrel. With that in mind, here’s an overview of AR-15 buffer weight sizes and how they affect your rifle.

Carbine Buffer Weights (3 oz)

These buffers are designed for use in traditional carbine-length gas systems and with a wide range of ammo. They’re even more viable in mid-length gas systems, which place the gas block farther from the breach, lessening the amount of gas in the system and thus softening the impact of gas on the bolt.

AT3 Carbine Buffer (3.0 oz)

Adjustment of this size of buffer housing, which is standard for most AR types, can be made by removing an end cap. This requires removing and replacing a roll pin.

Heavy (H1) Buffer (3.8 oz)

Heavy weighted, or “H” weights, add about an ounce to the entire buffer. One of the approximately .6-oz. steel weights are removed and replaced with a tungsten weight, which is about 1.45 oz.

A person who has a reliable AR15 could apply an H1 buffer in order to reduce recoil as well as the overall wear and tear on the internal parts of the gun.

AT3 Tactical H1 Buffer

Adding even this amount of extra weight can cause issues on some rifles. But most AR-15s are over-gassed on purpose and can handle this type of addition.

H2 Buffer (4.6-4.7 oz)

The next rung on the ladder is the H2, which replaces two steel weights with a pair of tungsten weights, adding nearly two ounces to a stock buffer.

These heavy buffers can be too heavy for some carbine applications, though they are often used. An H2 is can be too heavy for many mid-length gas systems, but this is not where they are most often desired.

With the advent of AR-Pistols in recent years, shooters need heavy buffers to compensate. A standard carbine buffer is far too light and will likely result in violent cycling of the action. That being said, the H2 buffer is commonly found in AR pistols.

AT3 Tactical H2 Buffer

H3 Buffer (5-5.4 oz.)

The H3 represents the heaviest of the carbine-length buffers for AR-pattern rifles, coming in at a hefty 5.2 oz., give or take. Why have an AR-15 buffer weight that is two ounces over a standard buffer?

The single best advantage of the AR platform is the unbelievable versatility in calibers. In addition to the standard .223/5.56 chambering, AR-pattern rifles are found with heavier calibers such as 7.62X39, .300 AAC, and even some wildcat offerings like the .204 Ruger and the .224 Valkyrie. Above all of these are the monsters: the .458 SOCOM and the .50 Beowulf. This is where the H3 has its moment in the sun.

AT3 Tactical H3 Buffer

All of these heavy hitters are able to use a standard lower receiver assembly, but most of these systems are decidedly over-gassed. The impact of the gas charge of a .458 SOCOM with a muzzle energy of 2,700 ft. lbs. greatly exceeds that of .223 (1,200 ft. lbs).

The extra buffer weight helps compensate and dissolve that extra energy.

Pistol Caliber (5-8.5 oz.)

What is the recommended buffer weight for a 9mm AR? The heaviest buffers belong to the dedicated pistol-caliber AR platforms. These buffers often consist of a steel housing rather than aluminum and have a wide range of possible weights, often around 5 oz.

The rationale is that a direct blowback design applies more pressure directly to the BCG which slams into the buffer with no gas system to soften the blow, thus necessitating a considerably heavier buffer.

Armaspec makes all sorts of buffer parts including ones meant for 9mm!

The secondary reason for a considerably heavier buffer for pistol caliber AR-pattern weapons is the nature of the weapons. There are a number of full-size, 16” pistol caliber carbines but an extremely popular alternative has been to go with pistol configurations.

Some manufacturers are making pistol barrels as short as 4” for AR platforms, coupled with short pistol-length buffer tubes making for a sharp blowback in the weapon.

Some of the heaviest in this category are HSS (6.5 oz.) and the XH buffer (8.5 oz).

Rifle-length Buffers (5 oz.)

One glance at a buffer from the A2 style fixed buttstock lets you know that it is a completely different animal.

Rifle Length Buffer (Left) & Carbine Style Buffer, H1 (Right)

The housing of rifle-length buffers is longer and designed to operate in the longer rifle-length buffer tube —  never in any carbine or pistol systems.

If it was used, it will slam into the end of the buffer tube, possibly damaging the lower receiver.

Considering the disparity in appearance alone, this can be an easy mishap to avoid.

But even so, it bears repeating: do not ever substitute one for another because they are never interchangeable.

UTG A2 Fixed AR 15 Rifle Stock Assembly

What is The Best AR Buffer Weight?

If your rifle seems to work fine, and optimization seems unnecessary, the best advice may be to stick with what you’ve got.

Ultimately, it takes some experimentation to figure out which combination works best in your rifle, for your needs.

Added weight in the buffer can improve performance, and an H2 buffer with an extra steel and tungsten weight might give you the widest range of options to find the right balance.

At the end of the day if you want to buy one and be done with it make sure to check out adjustable buffer weights!

Odin Works Adjustable AR-15 Buffer Weight – Heavy…They also make a Lite


What buffer size should I use?

As far as size goes your buffer tube should determine your buffer size. If it is a carbine-length tube then use a carbine buffer. Rifle-length tubes use a rifle-length buffer. Pistol platforms can be sort of tricky in that they may have a proprietary pistol buffer tube/buffers or a carbine buffer tube with a heavy carbine buffer.

What does a heavier buffer do in an AR-15?

A heavy or “H” buffer is used to slow the rate at which the bolt carrier group travels to the rear. The positive side effects are reduced wear and recoil. The negative side effects are that you may have to effectively tune the weight of your buffer for your selected cartridge or gas length.

What is the difference between H2 and H3 buffer?

A heavy or “H” buffer is used to slow the rate at which the bolt carrier group travels to the rear. An H2 Buffer (4.6-4.7 oz) is commonly found in AR pistols that use a carbine buffer tube. The H3 is made for those bigger “badder” cartridges like .458 SOCOM or 50 Beowulf that still use a carbine buffer tube.

Is a heavier or lighter buffer better for AR?

At face value heavier is better for its reduced recoil and wear on the system. The real answer is not all that helpful unfortunately since each buffer weight should be applied to certain criterium.

What is the best buffer weight for 5.56 carbine?

Carbine buffer weights are pretty standard but they can vary depending on the gas system. Some mid-length gas system AR15’s will have something as heavy as an H2.

One Last Tip

If there’s anyone that knows the AR-15 platform, it’s the US military. As a special offer for our readers, you can get the Official US Army Manual for AR-15/M4/M16 right now – for free. Click here to snag a copy.

64 THOUGHTS ON "AR-15 Buffer Weights & Why They Matter (2025 Update)"

  1. I have to use a 3oz buffer with 300BO because they don’t produce enough gas. If I use an H1 it suffers and if I use an H2 it’s a single shot.

  2. The new Bushmaster 20 inch A2. I assume it has a full length tube. What size rifle buffer would it use?
    An AR 10 System?

    1. Hi Kevin!

      Without having one of the new Bushmaster rifles on hand there is no way for us to confirm anything (for that we recommend reaching out to bushmaster) but it is most likely a normal AR-15 carbine buffer. Most fixed stock 20″ rifle length gas system rifles will have a standard carbine style buffer.

      Hopefully this answered your question! Safe shooting out there!

  3. The real term is rearward, NOT reward. Please have someone read, edit and correct before posting.

  4. What does anyone think of the Kynshot Hydraulic Buffers?

    1. I put one in my 9mm AR and it works great. This is the one I used:

  5. I ordered an AR-15 barrel that was 18″ long with a mid length gas system, the order form populated a 16″ barrel, so after I built the gun I noticed the issue.
    To fix the issue I replaced one of the three buffer weights with an aluminum slug and the gun functions smoothly and reliably.

  6. I am having ejecting issues with my 9mm build
    Its a 7.5″ side charging BCA upper and a Tac-9 lower.

    After every 3 to 4 rounds I am getting a stove pipe issue.
    I currently have the stock 8oz buffer and using 115 grain 9mm rounds

    Will stepping up to a 9 or 10 oz buffer solve the issue or using 124 grain help at all?

  7. I’m in final stage of buying everything needed for 6.5 Creedmoor. I need two final items, & I waited last to buy these as confusion is all over the internet on advice. Buffer, & Spring.
    I have an extra tubbs flatware for a 308.
    24″ bm barrel
    A2 Style Fixed Buttstock
    Rifle tube that came with stock.
    I’m thinking 5 to 6oz buffer, under 5½” OAL because 6.5 BCG length being longer needs to travel back enough to function rifle & lock on bolt catch. If Creedmoor/308 rifle buffer too long, like the length of AR-15 rifle buffer, it could end up cracking Buttstock or worse. I’ve seen a 308 with A2 Buttstock end knocked completely off with spring hanging out. Guy at range used the AR-15 A2 Style Fixed Buttstock on a 308, & AR-15 buffer was just about ½” too long. You can use the same A2 Style Fixed Buttstock & fixed rifle tube, but spring & buffer must be changed for 308 platform.
    Anyway back to subject. Any 6.5CM owners have any recommendations for (buffer weight) using an
    A2 Style Fixed Buttstock?
    My AGB should tune it, & will not be running silenced.

  8. I have a 10.5″ 762×39 AR-15 and have been having failure to feed/eject issues. I installed a enhanced firing pin and ended up having to get a new extractor key. I’m thinking of switching to the H3 buffer and braided buffer spring. Reading it seems this might totally fix the issue. My question is can I put a A2 Buffer tube with rifle length H3 buffer and braided buffer spring on the 10.5″ upper/PSA lower or is that to short? There’s no clear answers on this subject. Thanks J3K

  9. Doug’s KS47

    I have an AR chambered 7.62×39 with a 10.5” barrel with mid-length gas tube. It came with an H1 buffer and would not eject the casings. Put in a carbine buffer and it will cycle occasionally. It will eject reliably, but will not chamber another round reliably. What else should I try?

    1. What kind of magazines are you using on that 7.62×39

    2. Norman Power

      Your problem is two fold first your dwell time the length after the gas port is very short. The actual gas pressure to unlock the bolt and remaining pressure in the barrel to push the round back is low because of where the-gas port is located.

      My advice would be get a Flat wound spring and adjust the buffer weight down to get full stroke.
      I set up all my AR’s with adjustable gas blocks, as I use suppressors on all of my setups.
      With that said I shut off the gas block and open it up three full revolutions put one shell in the mag and fire the rifle down range at the target.
      The mag should lock back if not open up three turns more. Do NOT exceed Eight (8) revolutions!!! Your rifle needs to be taken to a smith to have the gas port enlarged.this takes a combo of special drills and reamers plus knowledge of what needs to make sure you do Not break either drill or reamer in barrel.
      Good Luck
      above all have fun !!

  10. I have at 15 diamondback pistol wanting to replace the buffer tube plug what would you suggest on a Weight would you put a standard one back in

  11. Richard E Solberg


  12. I have a 10.5″ barrel with carbine length gas tube. I have a kak flash can on it. The lower was originally for a 7.5″ barrel when I bought it. I don’t know what weight the buffer is, and have not fired it with the 10.5 barrel. What weight/buffer do I need for the 10.5 barrel, I’m shooting 223/556 55/62 grain ammo. The barrel is a 1:8 twist.

  13. So for a 16″ barrel, cabine length gas system 458 SOCOM would H2 be the weight to go with or H3?

  14. Raymond Phillips

    Your statement denies physics. All things being equal, the heavier an object, the more force it takes to move. I built and subcontracted Ar15s for LE in 90s and still build. I built an 8.5 that has malfunctioned 1 time in over 6,000 rnds. I built that at when Colt and major manufacturers along with major gun “were saying anything under 11″ couldn’t be 100%.” I presented this information online after building 2 more 10.5″ both ran 1,000 rnds no malfunction.

  15. “But having as much weight as possible increases the “dwell time” spent by the spent ammo in the upper receiver, allowing more of the excess gas and carbon to push out (cleaner operation).”

    That’s not true, at all. The bullet will exit the muzzle LONG before the bolt starts to unlock. If it doesn’t, then ALL of that gas pressure is going to blow out of the chamber, and the rifle will probably explode.

    The fact is that a heavier buffer will slow down the cyclic movement of the bolt, but will NOT alter unlocking in a standard gas operated system.

  16. steve foster

    Forgot to mention I also tried a flat buffer spring that someone had on hand in the 24″.. made no difference.

  17. I have two ar-15 builds, one a 20″ and the other 24″. Bought them from the same place; they have the same gas block and tube, bcg, and standard buffers for each. The buffer springs are same length and coil number, but one is piano wire and the other not. Both rifles are well lubed, and both have been short stroking from the outset.
    I have tried six different ammos, w/ one cycling fairly well in the 20″, but still not locking back after the last round. None cycle properly in the 24″, and observers can see that the bolt isn’t coming all the way back. The 24″ will often cycle after the first round, but not for any other round in the magazine, requiring that I hand charge it to fire. Neither rifle will even eject steel ammo, but with brass, both rifles eject all rounds into a very small pile at 4 o’clock. I have also tried 3 magazines in each rifle, w/o change.
    I measured gas port diameter, and they are correct, .096 for the 20″ and .089 for the 24″ (although this is a bull barrel, so maybe it could be enlarged a little). I have reinstalled the gas blocks and tubes and verified that the systems are tight and that the bcg is tight.
    I considered pulling one of the 3 weights from the standard buffer and replacing it w/ a wad of some sort, but I don’t think that’s a good idea. Springs are cheap, so that’s what I’ll start trialing next (ordered 6 different brands for under $5 each, so I’ll get some variation for trial). I watched a video on buffer springs, which stated that in a standard spring, 3.6 coils generates about 1 lb. of force. So I figured I’d start by cutting 1 lb. of force off each spring, then continue cutting in 1/2 lb. increments, until it will cycle everything, and lock open after the last round.
    If that doesn’t work, I don’t know what else to try. I’ve ordered a couple adjustable gas blocks, but as I understand it, that’s to adjust down in gas pressure. I don’t see how they could help in any way if it’s undergassed. It isn’t magazine, it isn’t ammunition, it doesn’t seem to be gas port, gas block, gas tube, or bcg gas key related, already has the lowest weight standard buffer. Sure hope it turns out to be solvable by shortening the springs.

  18. I have an AR 10 “matched” upper and lower in my 6.5 Creedmoor from Palmetto Armory. It fails to eject consistently, doesn’t feed reliably and when it ejects is to the 1-2 o’clock position. I’m using S&B 140 gr FMJ BT ammo. I keep hearing from folks at the range that it’s over-gassed. Can this be corrected with a heavier buffer?

  19. Dwayne Oxford

    Any place sell REASONABLY priced weights to tune buffer weight up/down?

    1. CharlieCII

      Good luck finding that!!

  20. What buffer weight is recommended for a full auto 556

    1. Light pistol carbine I believe

    2. 4oz linear alignment recoil buffers work f’ing fantastic. For the application in question.

  21. Palmetto lower, 24 inch 223 wylde bull barrel, it will eject but not pick up a new shell. Buffer suggestions?

    1. I have the same issue but it only happens when I use my nickle boron bolt

      1. Raymond Phillips

        Check gas key on BCG, the slick surface of NB demanded restaking the gas key screws. They looked good but were coming loose after several hundred rounds. This happened to 2 of my NB BCG.

    2. EABCO sells a 3 piece tungsten weight set for $23.

  22. I have your 11.5 upper ,what buffer should I use?

    1. Raymond Phillips

      Built one, using standard carbine buffer, I built a 8.5 6 years ago, use h2, 6,000 + rounds, 1 malfunction. 10.5 barrel some like H2, some standard carbine buffer. I keep h2 and standard carbine on hand. After a build, I take both and rapid fire 100 rnds through rifle/pistol with cheap steel case. then 100 milspec. I then shoot for accuracy and sight in. 100% function is only accepted. Sub 1.5 accuracy with match grade. If not I diagnosed and repair.

  23. Simply increasing the buffer weight of the reciprocating mass on your AR 15 can provide noticeable benefits, including reducing felt recoil and muzzle movement and providing additional mass to aid feeding during the loading cycle.

  24. What set up would you use doing a NON FIXED regular 6 position tube and the gun has an 18″ bbl. with a rifle length gas system? ??

  25. Will a ar 5.56 carbine lenght with 16″ barrel use the same buffer as, say, the same ar with a 10 1/2″ or 12 1/2″ barrel..

    1. It could, but you might also need a heavier buffer. If you use a lightweight carbine buffer in an over gassed short barrel, then you’ll have very harsh recoil.

      On the other hand, if you’re short barrel is using an adjustable gas block, then hypothetically, you might even want a lighter buffer than standard.

  26. I take issue with this assertion: “The impact of the gas charge of a .458 SOCOM with a muzzle energy of 2,700 ft. lbs. greatly exceeds that of .223 (1,200 ft. lbs).” No, it really doesn’t. While there is more powder being burned, that doesn’t necessarily translate into more port pressure, because the larger bore also has a larger expansion ratio– in which case the port pressure likely will drop. And of course, the pressure curve of the powder also matters.

    The big bores definitely have more recoil momentum and energy. But that’s not the same as having more “gas charge” which they likely do not, because the port sizes will be chosen to keep port pressures in the same range as the 5.56 and thus the buffer and cycling action cannot distinguish between them.

  27. I have a ar15 that is not locking back after the last round is done it extracts the bullet ok but will not lock back I think it might be my buffer and spring will be possible to try a lighter buffer and spring ro see I’d ir would help

  28. brian trimble

    I have an MGI hydra package 001 that has the conversion kit from 223/5.56 to 300aac to 9mm to 7.62×39 as well i have added the franklin arms binary trigger im having problems with the 9mm getting jammed at 45 degree can anyone suggest best opinion for buffer and weight that will work for everything haven’t tried the other 2 calibers yet but definitely a fun gun to shoot

  29. For an AR-10 which short strokes, does it need a heavier buffer or lighter?

    1. Fred, give us more information on your AR-10 setup? My 20″ AR-10 has been flawless running a rifle length buffer system.
      That said other issues may be causing your short stroke issues. Gas port or gas block obstruction, gas leakage, bad gas rings on the bolt?
      You can try a lighter buffer but the problem probably lies in your gas system.

      1. Having the same problem with my AR10 20″ shooting 308 168 GRHPBT at 2,680 FPS with a surefire muzzle brake. The brass ejects perfect but it seem the bolt is not coming back far enough to get behind the next cartridge so it can be chambered. The manufacturer of the weapon has asked me to take on of the six metal slugs inside the buffer tube and see if the cures the problem. Maybe this will work for you too. If anyone has done this please let us know.

    2. Your buffer spring may be too long.

  30. AR 15, 16 inch barrel in .450 bushmaster. With a 2.8 oz. buffer. Problem is it will not feed off of the magazine. The spent cases eject out at 1-2o’clock. The cartridge is jammed at a 45 degree angle, nose up. What buffer would you suggest? It seems that it cycles faster than the magazine can act .

    1. Ken,
      I would think you are actually under gassed with what you are describing. You have a very light buffer for the .450. I would tend to think you would be slamming the bolt back with each shot but it appears the opposite is occurring. You are getting light ejection and the bolt is not going back far enough to catch the next round. I would also expect the bolt will not lock all the back after the last round is fired. So…IMO…your buffer spring is too heavy or you are under gassed or shooting low velocity rounds. Hope this helps.

      1. Warren Potter

        As Toby suggested, the bolt should lock back after the last round is fired, if it doesn’t it’s under gassed. To correct mine I had to drill the gas port slightly bigger to get my 450 to cycle properly. This will be trial and error until you get it to cycle properly, remove the gas block and using wire drills find the smallest size that won’t go in the hole then drill the hole to that size reassemble and try it, if it cycles properly you’re good to go if it doesn’t repeat until it cycles properly, if you drill the hole too big and it’s over gassed put an adjustable gas block on it to tune it.

        Mine is a 450 carbine, H2 buffer (if I remember correctly), with a standard carbine buffer spring.

    2. Steven w Van Veen


      I am having the same issue. what did you do to resolve the issue?

    3. That’s a magazine issue, feed lips need tweaking up if hitting below the barrel.

    4. 5/6 oz min buffer, shells should eiect at 3/4 oclock.

  31. I built an AR-9 platform “pistol”. Using a Spikes AR-15 lower, and 10.5 ” Foxtrot Mike [FM] 9mm upper.
    On FM’s recommendation, I purchased a 6.4 oz. buffer weight for the spring assembly in the adjustable stock. This weight for the spring (6.4 oz.) was recommended because my 9mm pistol build is “blow-back”, and not gas-assisted.
    My question is this!
    If I purchase a 5.56/.223 (Wylde), 16″ barrel,…will the 6.4 oz. buffer enhance, or deter from performance?
    And will it matter if the 5.56/.223 Wylde has a shorted gas tube,…or a longer one?
    [I was looking at some BCM uppers]

    Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    1. 6.4 ounces is extremely heavy for a 223 upper. It might work, and won’t hurt to try. What case scenario, you need a new buffer. A shorter gas tube is more likely to be “over gassed” and need a heavier buffer. However, do not choose your barrel based on your buffer. Barrels are expensive, buffets are cheap. A longer gas system will be softer shooting. Just but a new buffer.

  32. ReconViper1

    “A heavier buffer takes longer to move, slows down more quickly”.

    Please explain.

    1. Andrew Brinkman

      they are referring to acceleration. More mass equals slower acceleration

    2. Edvard Svanoe

      Due to the mass involved it will take more gas pressure to move the buffer, and since the spring is impeding the buffer movement it will stop sooner and return to battery. The amount of time required is based upon the original length of the gas pulse, which is based upon the gas tube length vs Bbl length. If you have 4″ of Bbl after the gas port you get a specific duration of high pressure. Change the Bbl length OR the bullet weight and you change the “dwell time” of the HP pulse. In a 9mm pistol that short strokes using 115gr bullets you can often get improved performance by changing up to 124gr bullets to increase the HP dwell time by the few micro(nano)seconds needed to complete cycling the slide and ejecting/loading the next round. The same applies to any gas operated firearm, whether blowback, direct impingement, or piston activated. Timing issues apply to them all. That’s why there are so many different buffer weights and lengths and springs available. (Springs come in different weights too) Hope this helps.

    3. Because physics.

    4. Objects at rest remain at rest until acted on. More mass requires more force to move. The amount of time being referred to here is very small but makes a difference.

    5. Yea. That was just one of several things i read that didnt makes any sense. And you gotta love all the people trying to explain mass to you. To everyone else trying to explain…..maybe reread what he said. With more mass, it takes longer to accelerate and to decelerate. Not longer to accelerate and quicker to decelerate. The guy two answers below who gave the super long answer trying to make thatmake sense “because the spring was designed for the lighter weight, blah blah, it stops the extra mass quicker via blah blah.” Dude…. your not smart and you don’t know what your talking about. With all else being equal, increasing the mass will yield slower acceleration and deceleration as a result of the masses effect on momentum and as well as inertia. The spring, which hasnt changed, is irrelevant. Its providing the same force it was before … is it going to stop More mass QUICKER? Id also like to know why a shorter barrel on a 9mm ar, which is blow back with no gas system, would yield a higher more violent recoil. With gas systems this is true, the shorter the barrel the closer to the breach the gas block is, i.e. more force pushing back. With a blowback the shorter the barrel the less force for a shorter duration. A 4 inch 9mm barrel vs a 16 inch9mm ar barrel…..the16 inch will create much more blow back. He states the opposite is true…

  33. Battle arms development

  34. John Woodard

    I’m trying to find the shortest ar-pistol buffer tube, that uses the carbine buffer? All I need is the tube, I don’t need a new spring an buffer! Who would be recommended for this possible purchase?

    1. Christophe

      maybe sb tactical buffer tube.

    2. Tylar J Cauthon

      SB’s tubes are actually a little longer then everybody else’s right on 8″ when most shockwave tubes are around 6-7″

      1. Be a little cautious, if you measure the buffer tube from the outside it may very well be longer/shorter. But it’s the inside length that matters. I had two buffers where one seemed longer than the other. But a quick measurement on the inside revealed the “longer” one just had a 3/4” plug in the end. So internally they were identical in length.

    3. Travis Glenn Gregory

      I have 2 ruger556mpr rifles 18 inch barrel rifle length gas. Both are over gassed to the point of ejection is at 1 to 130 when using 556 m193 I tried different springs and buffer weights until I got 3 to 4 o’clock ejection. The sprinco red extra power spring with h2 buffer is what it took

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