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AT3’s Ultimate AR-15 Guide – Everything You Need to Know

Welcome to the AT3 Ultimate AR-15 Guide! We’re sharing the knowledge we’ve all gained over the years of making our own AR-15 mistakes, so you don’t make them on your own AR … because, trust us, that sucks. If you were to guess how many swappable parts you have on your AR-15 …what’s your guess? […]

Choosing the Best AR-15 Red Dot Sights for Your Build (2025 Update)

Finding the right AR-15 red dot doesn't have to be hard. We've narrowed it down to the top 3 picks across three concise categories: Best Budget, Best of 2023, and Most Popular. Instead of sorting through tons of options, check out our simplified recommendations to upgrade your AR build.

The Ultimate Guide to AR-15 Lower Receivers

You can piece together your entire AR-15 from barrel to buttstock, but there’s one single part that you’ll need to make it fully complete and legally yours… Your AR-15 Lower Receiver. Sure you have to pass a background check to even get one, but there’s much more to picking the right Lower to complete your […]

How to Install Backup Iron Sights

AR-15 Optics are great, but when technology fails…you better have a backup plan. But fear not! Fasten your brain learning safety belts. It’s time for a crash course in AR15 backup iron sights, from installation to zeroing, let’s go! What is The Difference Between The Front Sight and Rear Sight Everyone has to start somewhere. […]
mil spec buffer tube vs commercial

Mil-Spec vs. Commercial AR 15 Buffer Tubes – Which One is Better?

This is one of the most common questions we are asked, and for good reason. If you are interested in upgrading your AR-15 stock, or planning to build an AR, it is critical to understand the subtle differences between these two very similar standards.

Building an AR-15 or AR-10. What Parts Are Compatible?

Once upon a time, Eugene Stoner and the Armalite crew set out to create the AR-10, a rifle that could handle anything, even without a handy gunsmith nearby. They had a genius idea: make it fully modular! That meant you could mix and match parts in AR-10s and AR-15s… well, most of the time. Buckle […]