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Adjustable Gas Blocks and the AR-15 gas system: Uses, Pros and Cons

Understanding Adjustable Gas Blocks and the AR-15 Gas System One of the greatest advantages of the AR platform is its ability to change. Upgrades and replacement parts in nearly every conceivable configuration can be ordered online, shipped to your home, and installed with relative ease.

Top Picks: Best AR-15 Scopes for Your Money

There is no “one size fits all” solution when it comes to scope selection – what works well for fast target acquisition at 100 yards will not be effective for precision marksmanship at 700 yards. Consequently, you should choose your scope based on its intended use.

3 Ways to Correct Cross Eye Dominance When Shooting

Being cross-eye dominant doesn’t doom you to a life of poor shooting AR-15. If your eye dominance test reveals that you have cross-eye dominance, there are a few things you can do to correct or address the issue. Here are 3 ways to overcome cross eye dominance.

Choosing a Rifle Bipod for Your AR-15 [2022 Update]

For a stable shooting platform that offers greater precision and increased support for your AR-15, a bipod is second to none.

AR-15 Red Dot Sights and Astigmatism

If you see a blurred dot that looks more like a star or a comma, or if you see multiple dots instead of one, you could have a defective optic or you may have an astigmatism. Learn how to diagnose astigmatism vs. a defective red dot. You may not even realize you even have an astigmatism until you first look through a red dot sight.

Sling Attachments: How to Mount for Any Application

The way you choose to mount your sling should be tailored to your specific needs as a shooter. But first, there are a few different types of attachment hardware to learn about.